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Open Data Data interface to the weather and hydrological stations in real time.
Download daily values Easy way to download temperature and precipitation data.
Meteo Browser Temporarily out of service.
In the following, the manually corrected daily, monthly and annual data of representative weather stations are published.
The respective documents (in PDF and Excel format) contain the daily precipitation totals (period 09:00 CET of the previous day to 09:00 CET of the current day) as well as the daily temperatures shown as maximum and minimum values. Where available the data will be published starting from 1 January 1981.
The respective documents (in PDF and Excel format) contain the following three temperature values:
- Monthly average values of the daily highest and lowest temperatures as well as the average values for the year, decade and the entire period.
- Extreme values of the highest and lowest temperatures as well as the extreme values for the year, decade and the entire period.
- The monthly average values [(average lowest value + average maximum value)/2], the average values for the year, decade and the entire period.
The respective documents (in PDF and Excel format) contain the following two precipitation values:
- The monthly and annual precipitation amounts in millimetres (mm), the average values per decade and the monthly and annual average for the entire period.
- The number of days of precipitation per month and year (>= 1mm), the average values per decade and the monthly and annual average for the entire period.
In the documents (PDF and Excel) the highest precipitation sums per year during certain intervals are listet (15 minutes, 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 3 hours, 6 hours, 12 hours, 24 hours).
In the documents (PDF and Excel) the highest precipitation sums per year during certain intervals are listet (1 day, 2 days, 3 days, 4 days, 5 days).