South Tyrol Weather
Forecast for today, tuesday 25/03/2025
Sun and clouds, a few showers
General weather situation
The Alps will still be affected by unstable air masses.
Today’s weather
In the afternoon, the weather will be fairly sunny with cumuliform clouds and the possibility of a few isolated showers. Spring-like temperatures with highs between 12° and 19°.
Forecast for tomorrow, wednesday 26/03/2025
Good weather with mild climate
General weather situation
North-easterly currents will bring wetter air masses closer to the Alps.
Tomorrow’s weather
Fairly sunny weather with longer sunny spells in the south. On the border ridge there will be cloudiness with the possibility of a few showers. Foehn wind will blow in the valleys to the north. Maximum temperatures between 12° and 20°.
Last update: 25/03/2025, 11:00