
Trend Bozen
Trend Meran
Trend Schlanders
Trend Brixen
Trend Sterzing
Trend Bruneck
Trend St. Martin

The charts show the trend of the maximum temperature and the daily precipitation in the next ten days for seven districts. Updated three times a day.

Extreme values – highest values since start of records Extreme values – highest values since start of records
Long-term average (1981-2010) Long-term average (1981-2010)
Trend of Temperature with forecast uncertainity Trend of Temperature with forecast uncertainity
Extreme values – lowest values since start of records Extreme values – lowest values since start of records

The forecast uncertainty lies within the 10 % and 90 % quantiles.
In the temperature graph, the gray area covers a probability of 80% and the red line shows the most likely development.
In the precipitation graph, the same range is represented by the black vertical line, the blue bar shows the most likely amount of precipitation.