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Gauging station ETSCH BEI EYRS

Gauging station ETSCH BEI EYRS

Measured data from 27/07/2024 16:50

  • Station altitude: 873,99 m a.s.l.
  • Water level: 147 cm
  • Flow rate: 45.6 m³/s
  • Water temperature: 13 °C
  • Betreiber: Amt für Hydrologie und Stauanlagen

Values of the last 7 days (20/07/2024 - 27/07/2024)



Water temperature

Water temperature

Additional information about the gauging station


Technical map: Gauging station ETSCH BEI EYRS
Technical map: Gauging station ETSCH BEI EYRS

Technical data

  • Station code: 08155PG
  • Type of station: Hydro
  • Cartographic coordinates: UTM WGS84 626295.12 m / 5164467.65 m
  • Latitude / Longitude: 46.621876 ° / 10.64963 °

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