Mountain Weather

Forecast for today, saturday 27/07/2024

Single thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening

Forecast for today, saturday 27/07/2024

General weather situation

High air pressure will continue to determine the weather, but the air masses will be more unstable.

Today’s weather

Fog patches in the morning and cumulus clouds in the afternoon will partially reduce the visibility. There will also be sunny spells in between. The tendency for thunderstorms will increase during the afternoon.

WIND IN 3000 M
1 - light wind: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - heavy wind: > 60 km/h
Rising: 05:51
Setting: 20:52
Rising: 23:49
Setting: 13:17

Last update: 26/07/2024, 11:00