Mountain Weather

Forecast for today, tuesday 22/10/2024

Morning low clouds, elsewhere sunny

Forecast for today, tuesday 22/10/2024

General weather situation

A high pressure field will affect the Alps. However, the lower layers of the atmosphere will be rather humid.

Today’s weather

Initially, visibility may be reduced by fog at medium altitudes. During the day the sun will be more present.

WIND IN 3000 M
1 - light wind: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - heavy wind: > 60 km/h
Rising: 07:43
Setting: 18:16
Rising: 21:45
Setting: 14:00

Last update: 22/10/2024, 11:00