Mountain Weather

Forecast for today, sunday 23/02/2025

Increasingly cloudy

Forecast for today, sunday 23/02/2025

General weather situation

With a south-westerly flow, partly humid air masses will continue to reach the Alpine region at high altitudes.

Today’s weather

At first, it will be quite sunny on most of the mountains, with cirrus clouds passing high above the peaks. In the morning, the clouds will thicken, and the light will become increasingly diffuse.

WIND IN 3000 M
1 - light wind: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - heavy wind: > 60 km/h
Rising: 07:05
Setting: 17:53
Rising: 04:32
Setting: 12:10

Last update: 22/02/2025, 11:00