Mountain Weather

Forecast for today, monday 13/05/2024

Mostly cloudy, light precipitation

Forecast for today, monday 13/05/2024

General weather situation

Moist air masses will reach the Alps from the south.

Today’s weather

In the mountains, visibility will often be reduced by clouds and precipitation. The snow line will be around 2500 m.

WIND IN 3000 M
1 - light wind: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - heavy wind: > 60 km/h
Rising: 05:44
Setting: 20:40
Rising: 09:58
Setting: 01:42

Forecast for tomorrow, tuesday 14/05/2024

Sun, clouds and showers

Forecast for tomorrow, tuesday 14/05/2024

General weather situation

The Alpine regions will remain under the influence of moist, unstable air masses.

Tomorrow’s weather

Changeable conditions prevail on the mountains. Residual clouds in the morning and cumulus clouds in the afternoon will obstruct visibility in places. As a result, some showers and thunderstorms will develop.

WIND IN 3000 M
1 - light wind: 5-15 km/h
2 - moderate wind: 16-30 km/h
3 - strong wind: 31-60 km/h
4 - heavy wind: > 60 km/h
Rising: 05:43
Setting: 20:41
Rising: 11:09
Setting: 02:14

Last update: 13/05/2024, 11:00