South Tyrol Weather
Forecast for today, wednesday 05/02/2025
General weather situation
Persistent high pressure will determine the weather in the Alpine region.
Today’s weather
Sunny weather, clear sky. Föhn winds in the northern valleys. After a cold morning with lows of -13° to -1°, temperatures will rise to 4° to 12° during the day.
Outlook for the next days
More clouds from Friday
It will be very sunny again on Thursday. On Friday, the clouds will increase, the sun will only shine occasionally and temperatures will drop by a few degrees. Clouds will also predominate on Saturday and it may rain or snow in places. Sunday is also likely to start cloudy, but there is a chance of more sunshine as the day progresses.
Temperatur minimum -11°/-3°
Temperatur maximum 3°/10°
Temperatur maximum 3°/10°
Temperatur minimum -11°/-3°
Reliability: 80%
Temperatur minimum -6°/0°
Temperatur maximum 0°/6°
Temperatur maximum 0°/6°
Temperatur minimum -6°/0°
Reliability: 70%
Temperatur minimum -4°/0°
Temperatur maximum 0°/8°
Temperatur maximum 0°/8°
Temperatur minimum -4°/0°
Reliability: 60%
Temperatur minimum -3°/0°
Temperatur maximum 3°/10°
Temperatur maximum 3°/10°
Temperatur minimum -3°/0°
Reliability: 60%
Last update: 05/02/2025, 11:00
How reliable is this forecast?
Not every weather situation and variable (temperature, precipitation, wind, etc.) is equally easy to predict. The forecast reliability indicates our degree of trust in the entire forecast. If the various weather models for certain weather conditions "agree", the reliability can be said to be high. If however the weather is not "stable", i.e. not so easily predictable, the reliability will be accordingly lower.
We recommend the following:
- Reliability of greater than 80% is said to be high. The forecast can be taken at its word, even if a surprise is always possible.
- Reliability of between 60% and 80% is regarded as medium. The forecast may serve as a basis for planning, but an alternative strategy should be prepared.
- Reliability of 60% is classified as low. Although the predicted weather type corresponds to the most probable of all the possible weather scenarios, it is not advisable to rely on this forecast for planning critical activities. It is recommended to consult subsequent forecasts.