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Weather station Schnals Vernagt
Measured data from 11/11/2024 08:20
- Station altitude: 1700 m a.s.l.
- Air temperature: 0.9 °C
- Relative humidity: 51 %
- Air pressure: 1029.1 hPa
- Precipitation since midnight: 0.0 mm
- Wind direction: --
- Medium wind speed: --
- Gust speed: --
- Snow height: --
- Daily sunshine duration: --
- Global radiation: --
Values of the last 7 days (04/11/2024 - 11/11/2024)
Daily precipitation
Additional information about the weather station
Technical data
- Station code: 15800MS
- Type of station: Meteo
- Cartographic coordinates: UTM WGS84 641283 m / 5177450 m
- Latitude / Longitude: 46.7357 ° / 10.8493 °
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